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Staying Low Makes You Slow + Massage Gun Hype

In this issue, we're looking at what the science says about massage guns, some terrible advice for sprinters and proven ways to improve hurdle technique. 
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Kyle Garland in the blocks before hurdling
Welcome to your competitive advantage in track and field! Every month, we round up actionable tips from expert coaches and the latest sports science. You'll get curated content and analysis that gives you an edge and hopefully a little entertainment.

This month

  • Recovery Trends - Do Massage Guns Work? 
  • Staying Low - Terrible Advice for Sprinters
  • Proven Ways to Improve Hurdle Technique 
a massage gun at a track

Are Massage Guns a Must-Have for Serious Track Athletes?

Coaching Tip - "Staying Low"

Kyle Garland Elite Hurdle Technique

5 Proven Ways to Improve Hurdle Technique and Boost Speed

Drawing on expert advice from some of the top hurdle coaches in the country, we’ve put together 5 tips proven to optimize technique, boost speed, and improve efficiency on the track.

This guide offers actionable steps to fine-tune form, correct common mistakes, and maintain speed throughout the race. 

See The Guide
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