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long jump and high jump drills and training

Smarter Jumps Training

The most effective long jump and high jump drills. Learn how to develop proper high jump and long jump technique with a 12-week training plan.
Smarter Jumps Training Video Course

What you'll get

included with the course

22 on-demand video lessons

Instant lifetime access. Learn at your own pace on any device. Watch as often as you want, whenever you want.

Training Guide & Bonus Materials

An in-depth 88-page training plan that puts the drills and technique work from the video lessons into action.

certificate of completion

As soon as you finish the course you will receive a customized certificate of completion.

100% Money back guarantee

Complete protection by our no-risk guarantee. See our refund policy for details.

what you'll learn

TRAINING, DRILLS & LESSONS DESIGNED to maximize performance

Jumps Specific Warm Up
Core Complex & Stability Drills
Sandpit Circuit
Approach Drills
Mini Hurdle Stability Drills
Plyo Box Series
Take-off Drills
Meet Day Warm-Up
Long & High Jump Speed 
Board Awareness Drills
Long Jump Landing Drills
Sled Pulls
And More
long jump and high jump training plan phone and tablet
high jump training plan example

A Complete training plan for the high jump and long jump

The course includes an in-depth 88-page training plan that puts the high jump and long jump drills and technique work from the video lessons into action.

You'll get a complete day-by-day breakdown for an entire 12-week season. The plan is broken down into training phases in an easy-to-follow format that you can download and reference at any time. It includes detailed daily workouts for each stage of training. It provides valuable specifics, such as what drills and exercises to perform on certain days and the number of sets and reps that are adjustable to skill level and ability.
long jump and high jump training course infographiclong jump and high jump training course infographic

course content

Lesson plan and chapter descriptions

Course Duration: 2 hr, 10 min
Number of Lessons: 22
class sample
This course was designed to give you the drills, techniques, and training philosophies to jump higher and farther. Jumps training is about much more than simply practicing high jumping and long jumping. It takes specific training and drills done with the right timing, intensity, and focus to get performance-changing results. Both Coach Baily and Decathlete Chris Helwick share their philosophies for training from a coaching and athlete perspective.
During this course, Coach Baily refers to many technical elements, concepts, and terms cogent to high jump and long jump training. This chapter defines and demonstrates these terms, how they translate to performance and different ways to achieve them. He also shares valuable verbal queues for athletes during training and competition.
Continuing on the previous chapter, in this lesson, additional technical terms and performance queues are defined and demonstrated.
One of the fundamental components of Coach Baily’s jumps program is core work. This is because core strength allows you to control your movement, increases power output, and reduces the risk of injury. In this chapter, you’ll learn the med ball and core stability drills he has found to be most effective to build core strength and stability. He also shares how to correct some of the most significant jumping errors through these drills.
You can do all the drills in the world but they won’t necessarily convert to better performance in the high jump or long jump. In this chapter, Coach Baily shares some of the best drills he uses to build skills, strength, and stamina while simulating the same movements in the jump.
Medicine balls are a great way to get creative with training. There is a significant amount of strength, stability, and power work you can do with medicine balls alone. Additionally, training with sleds gives you a great resistance tool to train hip engagement. In this lesson, you’ll learn Coach Baily’s approach to using these valuable and accessible tools in training.
There are so many reasons that core stability is important to both training and competition as a jumper. In this chapter, you’ll hear an athlete’s perspective on the training and drills in this course and what he’s thinking about while doing them. Decathlete Chris Helwick shares what he’s learned over a lifelong career learning to jump at an elite level.
Stability, coordination, and core work are fundamental to jumps training. But this is also one of the most neglected aspects of training. In this chapter, Coach Baily shares his thoughts on building stability, coordination, and core strength through some of his favorite drills.
Most athletes should not train like off-road drive vehicles; they should train like race cars. This means eliminating the “slack in the system.” In doing this, athletes are better able to hit the proper positions and execute the proper technique to jump higher or farther. The stair drills detailed in this chapter will help you do just that.
Throughout the drill sections of this course, Coach Baily regularly references hip engagement. The ability to engage the hips and hit the correct positions in the high jump and the long jump are pivotal to successful performances. In this chapter, Coach Baily discusses this in detail, the ingrained benefits of this skill, and how to train it correctly.
The ability to feel your center of mass as an athlete is vital to timing, engagement, and positioning of movement in the long jump and high jump. In this lesson, you’ll learn how an athlete learns this vital skill.
Keeping the hips engaged and maintaining proper posture is critical in both the high jump and the long jump. This lesson will give you some great event-specific power and strength drills to train these vital components and build athleticism.
In the high jump, the approach does all the work. In this chapter, you’ll learn the drills Coach Baily uses to teach athletes the proper technique, posture, and positioning for running the curve in the approach. He also shares common approach mistakes and how to correct them through these drills.
Just like in the high jump, the approach is everything in the long jump. While speed is important, it alone won’t produce the longest jumps. This lesson will show you some of the most effective drills for dialing in the proper technique, force application, and positioning to get the most distance from the approach. You’ll also learn some of the common misconceptions and errors in the long jump approach and how to correct them through training.
One of the more difficult things for a beginning long jumper is landing correctly in the sand. It’s a critical component of a successful jump. In this chapter, Coach Baily shares some innovative and effective drills to master landing in the sand.
A big challenge for long jump coaches is training their athletes’ board awareness. Too shallow on the board and you lose length. Too deep and the jump is lost. In this lesson, you’ll learn some innovative ways to teach this critical skill.
Air mechanics in the long jump are necessary to counter the forward rotational force that is created at takeoff. Converting the speed that was generated on the runway means leading with the hips and getting the feet underneath as soon as possible. This lesson will give you a great drill to work on air mechanics so that speed is transferred into horizontal distance in the jump.
One of the most valuable long jump drills Coach Baily includes in his program is the mini hurdle takeoff drill. In this single drill, jumpers are training arm action, foot contact, hip displacement/engagement, and force production. In this lesson, you’ll see this powerful drill and ways to correct common errors.
If you’re jumping with the correct biomechanical technique, it should feel easy. In this lesson, Chris shares how different elements of the jump should feel when done correctly and what it feels like when done wrong. This is invaluable for an athlete to assess if they are getting the technique right.
Overload occurs when you stress the body in a manner it’s unaccustomed to and the body reacts with physiological changes (adaptation) to be able to handle that stress better and more efficiently the next time it occurs. However, this concept cannot be applied in the same way with jumpers as it is with other track and field athletes. In this chapter, Coach Baily shares the ways he achieves overload in the most effective way for jumpers. He also stresses how important recovery is to a jumper’s tendons and joints.
In this chapter, Chris Helwick shares his experience with peak training throughout his career. He discusses the training elements that were required to reach his best performance. He also shares the training that didn’t go well and why it was unproductive for him as an athlete.
As a 19-year veteran jumper, Chris Helwick has learned a lot from the different injuries he’s experienced. In this lesson, he shares what both athletes and coaches can learn from injuries and how to adjust so they don’t continue to occur.

meet the instructor

learn why this coach is so effective

high and long jump coach ryan baily

Ryan Baily

RMAC Coach of the year
School Records
All-American Honors
With every athlete, each event, and every drill, Baily’s excitement and coaching style reveals the path to a higher jump through confidence and motivation. A lifelong athlete himself, Coach Baily’s passion for sport is so ingrained, he actually drove hundreds of miles each week as a young athlete just to practice the pole vault.

It’s this passion and over 30 years of experience in track and field that makes Baily the kind of coach able to teach you how to draw out skills and talents hiding beneath the surface.
Learn more about Coach Baily

how it works


Every course includes lifetime access to our online learning platform. Check out the short video to see it in action.
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high jump drills plyometrics on stairs

Drills and training that work for all levels

Every athlete on a track team is unique with regard to their skill level and response to training.

This is why you'll get detailed instructions for every drill, including its purpose and insight for tailoring it to your program and individual athletes. These long jump and high jump drills are demonstrated by 7-time All-American and professional decathlete Chris Helwick. So you can see precisely how the technique should look. Chris also shares unique insight into what the drills and jumps should feel like from an athlete's perspective.

Whether you're a college-level coach or a middle school athlete just starting to high jump or long jump, you'll get the knowledge you need to get the most from your training.

Jumping Success Is In The Details

Maximizing an athlete's potential in the long and high jump takes more than training hard and jumping a lot. Poor high jump and long jump technique lead to shorter distances, heights, and potentially athletic careers.

That's why the 'Smarter Jumps Training' drills go beyond just developing power and speed to ingrain proper mechanics and jumping technique every step of the way.
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100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee

You are completely protected by our 100% No-Risk Guarantee. If any course doesn’t live up to your expectations we’ll happily refund 100% of your money within 14 days. See our refund policy for details and eligibility.

Working With Younger Athletes

It's never too early for athletes to develop proper long and high jump technique.

Coach Baily has worked with youth jumpers of all ages and has seen measurable progress from these high jump and long jump drills in just a few days.

High Jump Course Comparison

Jumping Smarter, Jumping Higher
Level: Beginner - Intermediate
Ideal For: Learning every element of the high jump through detailed technique instruction and drills.
male high jumper clearing a bar
Learn How to High Jump:
Step-by-step instruction covering approach, takeoff, bar rotation, and landing.
Understand Proper Technique:
Emphasis on proper form for each jump phase, with drills for mastering high jump mechanics.
Master the Approach:
Comprehensive instruction on the high jump approach from start to takeoff.
Learn to Identify & Correct Errors:
Guidance on recognizing and correcting errors, with coaching cues for proper technique.
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Smarter Jumps Training
Level: Intermediate - Advanced
Ideal For: Optimizing high jump performance and training through precision drills and a complete 12-week training program.
Smarter Jumps Training Course Cover
Learn How to Train for High Jump:
Insight into more advanced high jump training and competition strategies.
Next Level Drills:
A wealth of innovative drills proven to reinforce proper movement patterns while improving speed and power.
Detailed Training Plan:
A 12-week, day-by-day adaptable training plan, complete with an 88-page downloadable guide.
Training Philosophy:
Insight into Coach Baily's training philosophies and lessons learned.
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Get Both and Save!
The ultimate bundle for high jump technique and training.
Over 4 hours of comprehensive content.
Step-by-step high jump technique.
A wealth of drills and a detailed training guide.



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